Crusoe Had It Easy Happily Ever After Ending

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Threads (1):

/ > /fap/ > Thread 7518 Age: 72.97d Health: 0% Posters: 37 Posts: 86 Replies: 67 Files: 1+2
>> Geor85 21764 [G] crusoe-had-it-easy crusoe-had-it-easy [IMG] crusoe-had-it-easy.swf (10.19 MiB) 1024x576, Compressed. 3 frames, 40 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: Yes. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
>> Anon 21766 Nice VN here. I can only get four of the endings, Regrets, Gentleman, Dead, and Rapist. The fuck do you do for the other three? And moreover, is there a true good ending?
>> Anon 21767 >># Of course, after I ask, I get the true ending. Groovy.
>> Anon 21768 guide SPOILER: 1/7I think everyone got the gentlemen story, it seems a mix between good and bad choices 2/7 the rape ending is the next easy one, just be mean and rape her at the end 3/7 On the first walk on the beach you dont want to go back , be friendly, dont rape her, and it should be the pregnant on island ending 4/7 be mean to her, chill out the 2. day the root cause sleepiness, go into the wood 3rd north then west, take the plant mix it into your food, rape her. Congratulation you got sex and a blowjob and your dead 5/7 be completly friendly again, rape her( she will like it at the act) but you will never talk about at again 6/7 cant really difference 5 to 6 but in one she will rope you and you will get disgusting looks by the crew after safe 7/7 be friendly, don't mention staying on the island, don't rape her, sad ending that she loves you but you can never be together.
>> Anon 21770 How to get the drug ending? You're pretty vague describing it and i get the ending of being killed normally.
>> Anon 21772 id really love to know exactly how to get this mythical "pregnant on the island" ending. no matter what choices i pick i get - rape her and be tied up the next day or dont rape her and a boat shows up and rescues u.
>> Anon 21774 I'm not sure, but maybe part of the pregnant on the island ending is on the last night, instead of just refusing to do anything and going to sleep, I did the first option which makes your dick hard, then back to sleep immediately. You then wake up and she's grinding on it. I did everything else >># said, and I think that was the only thing I did different.
>> Anon 21775 I got it by caressing her and then stopping there.
>> Anon 21776 Cheats Cheats: (type the word in the start menu to get the effect) "iloveboobies", "topNude" "odysseyofthelostbikinibottom", "bottomNude" "nudetella", "nude" "destined", "sister" "shavednotstirred", "shaved" "oldschoolcheat", "unlockAllCgs" "papabear", "daughter" "notsoclose", "friend" ...and this is why patreon is stupid. Just get a swf decompiler for christ sake...
>> Anon 21777 Made a quick walkthrough as I played. Not tested. Ending 1: A True Gentleman Don't cook for her, don't go on a walk with her, and force yourself to sleep on night 3. I don't think any of the other choices matter. Ending 2: As Dead As A Rapist -Refuse to cook for her -Don't go on a walk with her -Don't tell her about her bikini -Rape her on night 3. Ending 3: Dead Date Drug Rapist -Don't cook for her and don't joke about touching her boobs -"She's a bitch." -Tell her she should have used more spices on the fish -Don't tell her about her bikini -Don't overextend yourself -Sleep inducing -North -West -Take it -Use it on her food -Rape her on night 3 ENDING 4: Rapist -Cook for her -Don't walk with her -Tell her about her bikini -Don't overextend yourself -Leave the snake bite as is -Go fishing -Take the roots for yourself -Rape her on night 3 Ending 5: Regrets -Cook for her -Walk with her -Ask what she misses the most -Tell her about her bikini -Go with her in the forest -Bandage it -Do anything except stay with her -Give her the roots -Force yourself to sleep on night 3 Ending 6: Nothing To Tell -Same as Regrets except you rape her on night 3. Ending 7: Paradise -Same as Regrets, except when you go on a walk with her ask her if she wants to go back instead of what she misses the most.
>> Anon 21779 spam (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
>> Anon 21781 Walkthrough Oh, and since the endings are confusing people: Gentlemen: Fail at the game Rape w/ death: Rape her at night Drug Rape w/ death: Be a dick to her at every opportunity, then "hang out" on the second day to learn about the herb (choose "it causes sleep"), finally go to the woods on the third day, choose north, then west, then take herb, then if you hate her enough you can put it on her food that night. Island Pregnancy: Be uber nice to her (have to max out her "like" stat), go on a walk with her on the first night, mention staying on the island, then just don't rape her. Rape w/o conseuences: Be uber nice to her (have to max out her "like" stat) then rape her. Rape w/ minor consequences: Be nice to her, but not TOO nice, then rape her Useless ending: Be uber nice, don't mention staying on the island, don't rape her There are two hidden stats: how much she likes you and how much you like her. There's also flags for whether you mentioned staying on the island and whether you raped her. Snake-bite options, jerking off options, and how much you grope her (right up until penetration) have no effect on the ending. You wanna know more read the code yourself.
>> Anon 21784 Post the premium version, these gold jew choices are pissing me off.
>> Anon 21785 >># When you pay him he sends a file you put in the same directory as the .exe that unlocks the premium shit. There's 0 chance of us getting the premium version unless some kind anon pays for it and uploads the file somewhere.
>> Anon 21787 >># what the hell am I doing wrong? I'm typing the cheat for friends and nudity but no dice, I even tried with the "s either you trolled me good or I somehow fucked up
>> Anon 21790 >># you fked up. cheats work fine. only problem is the codes that remove any clothing freeze the game if u do the "jerk off" scene. she also turns into a guy for some reason. her chest goes flat and her eyes disappear. freaked me out
>> Anon 21791 why do people want to get the endings so bad anyway? do you even get jack shit for it?
>> Anon 21795 >># The cheat-code 'listener' disables itself when the gameplay starts. Reload the page and enter the codes during the title screen before selecting the new game or load game options. >># After collecting all seven endings you can turn on the author commentary to read during the game. Otherwise, no. There is no 'replay ending' or anything else.
>> Anon 21796 Not a walkthrough, there are several already here, just technical information for those interested. "Dead Date Drug Rapist" : contempt >= 2 + sleep-rape + <"Use the herb in Sophie's meal."> "As Dead as a Rapist" : like < 1 + sleep-rape "Rapist" : like >= 1 + sleep-rape "Nothing to Tell" : like > 3 + sleep-rape "A True Gentleman" : like <= 4 + sleep "Regrets" : like > 4 + sleep "Paradise (True Ending)": like > 4 + sleep + <"Do you want to go back?"> <<<==POSITIVE >>>LIKES================================

==================== <"You're not that tired - offer to do it."> at intro <"Go along"> after cooking <"Do you want to go back?"> after going along <"Head into the forest."> after bikini slip <"Let Sophie have them."> after heading into forest and finding no food <<<==NEGATIVE >>>LIKES================================

==================== <"Ask to touch her breasts instead."> after refusing at intro <"Mom and dad."> during talk on beach about what we miss <"My computer."> during talk on beach about what we miss <"Don't say anything."> about bikini slip <"Refuse"> after <"Stay with her"> after snake bite <"Share them"> after heading into forest and finding no food <<<==POSITIVE >>>CONTEMPT=============================

==================== <"She's a bitch."> after guilting at intro <"It's her fault."> after telling her should have used spices <"Tell her to stop being a bitch"> after its her fault <"She shouldn't sneak up on me like that."> after wank interrupt <<<==NEGATIVE >>>CONTEMPT=============================

==================== <"Let Sophie have them."> after heading into forest and finding no food
>> Anon 21798 Type "oldschoolcheat" on start menu (w/o these -> "") and u'll see premiun content
>> Anon 21801 >># If you still haven't gotten it to work, I noticed that my addblocker prevented the cheat codes from working even though the game worked fine
>> Anon 21809 Wow shit this looks good I actually wouldn't mind paying money for this >># I wouldn't mind buying it for you guys, just want to know if I should get the $5 or $10
>> Anon 21812 >># Glancing through the code, it looks like 10 only unlocks dev commentary, which is already free after unlocking all endings. So 5 would unlock everything otherwise unavailable, and 10 would be overkill, though convenient. On the other hand, someone skilled in Flash coding could probably just crack the game directly. I tried, but I'm self-taught, and poorly, so I couldn't manage to get it running again after decompiling it somehow broke it.
>> Anon 21814 >># You are the hero we deserve!
>> Anon 21938 Guys
>> Anon 21939 Guys >>#
>> Anon 21940 Happy you guys liked the game, but kind of disappointed in the guy who went ahead and posted the cheats, that are the main allure of the $10 pledge on Patreon. Decompiling the game and finding them for yourself? Smart cookie, we don't mind, do enjoy them. But posting them where everyone can see in an entirely open forum? Not so cool. You realize it's a 5 second effort for us to make cheats not work at all in the web version, right? You've forced our hand on future games now.
>> Anon 21941 I mean 95% of the game is available for free. All endings are reachable. We're a team of 4 people trying to make more games like these for everyone to enjoy, backers and non-backers. It'd be kind of cool if you didn't go out of your way to make people not back us.
>> Anon 21949 >># Lol u mad? He mad.
>> Anon 21950 it's cooler to get free content that otherwise requires payment. clearly undeserved payment to boot. your salt only makes our boners harder.
>> Anon 21952 >># Where do you think you are? Throwing some code together with some run-of-the-mill CGs (fuck, it's even censored) does not entitle you to special treatment. In fact, nothing you could possibly do would earn you such an honor. This is the reality of game developing, and it's at least twice as bad for hentaishit. If you want money, make something that's good enough that a handful of moralfags and retards will spend money on. If you want a lot of money, make something amazing or invest more points in luck. Adding additional hoops to combat people uploading your shit for free will backfire. If your next game is actually good, your attitude and whatever extra crap people have to go through to play it will only make the piratical more enticing. Be smart, and remember this: no one on your little team is talented enough to encode something unbreakable and have it still in usable form for your 'patrons'. People have to be able to use your product, and that is the hinge which will always be exploited. Focus on quality and image of the product (and the producers), not on the packaging.
>> Anon 21954 >># Sorry everyone on this site is a bag of dicks. I really enjoyed this content, and I hope you guys get more backers. I'll certainly be backing the project starting next paycheck. Keep up the good work, and don't let the pirates get you down.
>> Advice Droid 21956 >># Unhelpful. Next time, try to be more original than quoting decade-old memes. >># Unhelpful. Taunting the devs is counterproductive. We have a parasitic relationship with them. They can't stop us without ceasing to make games, but they definitely *could* stop, and we don't want that. For these guys, anyways. Breeding Season could stop and nobody would even notice for at least a year. I will admit, though, that paid content *is* slightly sweeter when gotten for free, when discounting the bitter aftertaste. >># Rude, but true. Not how I'd approach the situation, but functional if you don't care about pissing the other person off. No suggestions for improvement, but consider taking tone into consideration in the future. >># Positive reinforcement, very helpful. Continue commenting on things, because the internet needs more non-dickbags. Skip directly to "Go" and gain 10 commenter EXP. Level up if appropriate. >># Your calmness in this situation is commendable, and makes me more likely to support you when I have money, but your chosen approach might need some work. The sad reality of creating anything is that no matter how tightly you lock something up, whether it be cool little secrets like your cheats, or entire games in countless other cases, eventually it will be available to anyone willing to google. This goes quintuple for when you try to make people pay for things. And if you tell people that because they broke your lock, you're going to lock more things behind the proven-fragile door in the future? That's just extra motivation to break the door. Play your cards right, be polite and understanding, you might manage to get the people who actually sit down and try to crack these things to delay posting cracks and cheats to your games. It might not be the perfect solution, but unless you have a team of master coders better than any professional game studio has ever dreamed of, the pirates are gonna win an arms race. They always do. No threats, no trolling, no pride in my words. Just observable realities. It's all happened before, and if you look closely you can learn from it. Advice given freely, take it as you will*. *Or don't. It's not like I've got any way to differentiate between all you anons.
>> Anon 21957 >># "Hypocrisy" Look it up, choirboy.
>> Anon 21958 Whatever guys. I'm happy the game is on here and I'm happy most of you seem to like it. I don't mind so much that some of you happen to act like dicks online - I'm sure you all have hearts of gold IRL, and that's all that matters. If you don't, that's OK too - just remember to always be yourselves.
>> Anon 21959 Also we've just uploaded a new version of the game on NG, with a bunch of bug and typo fixes. Added and changed a couple of lines as well, in preparation for the new "catgirl" and "elf" cheats. Some old saves will get confused by this and decide to not work any longer (sorry) but most should be fine.
>> Anon 21960 >># I could not give any less of a shit if these asshats stopped making games. I didn't even fap to this- y'know, because it wasn't well-made enough to give me a boner. >># oh wow, you really are a supermassive faggot, aren't you. please kill yourself before you reach critical mass and turn the solar system into a massive blackhole made out of pure homosexuality.
>> Anon 21961 >># don't worry, puberty was confusing for me too.
>> Anon 21964 >># Well, that's different. I don't think chan Batman is a sustainable occupation, what with that pesky sanity stuff most folks require to function, but it is more interesting than "kill urself" and "fuck off". I look forward to more. >># (if you're just trying to hurt this "developer's" image and do not, in actuality, speak on their behalf, just ignore this shit) See now, even small interactions like these are important when talking about one's public presence. Social networking is a lot like a game of dominoes. Given how you entered the 'discussion' (I do use the term lightly...), those following it are going to be fairly critical of what you say. So when your next post starts off with "Whatever guys." and then goes on to wax self-righteous about the moral humours you've imagined the audience is swimming in, it should come as no great surprise that you look like a massive faggot. Few things are more disingenuous than poorly worded platitudes.
>> Anon 21972 >># Maybe he should try not being mad, then. Don't be a whiteknighting cunt.
>> Advice Droid 21978 >># Sanity is largely overrated. Mostly I lurk, so not sure if more will happen, but maybe the stars will align and send me the muse again at some point. Do feel free to take on the mantle yourself if you ever tire of sanity, though. Your response to the dev/possibleimpersonator is good enough that I have nothing to add. >># Please elaborate. I'd love to stop any hypocrisy I can, especially my own, but people are almost universally blind to their flaws, myself included. Point out where you see it in my post, and I will attempt to improve myself with the information. >># (Assuming same person as >>#...) My good sir, I do believe you yourself should cease fuming before continuing to post on the subject of how enraged others are. See, that wasn't so hard. A pinch of creativity goes quite a ways in making you not look 10 years old. :) >># I'd respond, but I don't think I can top >>#. Hats off, [sir/madam/squidperson]!
>> Anon 21981 I don't think it was an impersonator. He just posted about 3 new cheats and they require a new Patreon-only version to be activated. Dude's making $4,630 every month and he got mad over a dozen people being able to use cheats without paying. What the fuck man.
>> Anon 22054 >># lol @ anon who taunted him good job
>> Anon 22063 >># >Mostly I lurk Yeah? Since when, last Thursday? Lurk moar. >[...]I'd love to stop any hypocrisy I can[...] >[...]Point out where you see it in my post[...] Every single post you've made in here, friend.
>> Anon 22064 >># >implying you don't sound like a 10-year-old
>> Anon 22069 >># >neckbeard'n'proud
>> Anon 22076 >># >2015 >not being a neckbeard U wot m8?
>> Advice Droid 22109 >># I lurk enough to understand chan culture. That fact that I ignore the trends is a conscious choice. "Every post you've made in here" is not elaboration, but rather reiteration. Again, unless you can point out *in what way* I'm being hypocritical, I will be unable to learn from my mistakes. I have, to the best of my ability, been well-spoken and suggested that others do the same. Of course, I imagine you'd be more helpful if you actually understood what the word "hypocritical" means, so here's the definition: >hypocritical >adjective >1. of the nature of hypocrisy, or pretense of having virtues, beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually possess: >The parent who has a "do what I say and not what I do" attitude can appear hypocritical to a child. Hopefully your next response will be genuinely helpful. Looking forward to it!
>> Anon 22110 >># >pretense of having virtues, beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually possess.
>> Anon 22111 Wait, why are the pictures censored if this is an english game?
>> Anon 22114 >># because of risk of asphyxiation duh
>> Anon 22115 I like it! Could have done with more in the way of animation, maybe, but this still works. Would have liked more sex scenes, too. But still, good upload, OP!
>> Anon 22117 >># nobody wants you to learn. everybody wants you to shut the fuck up.
>> Anon 22127 asks politely for people not to post the cheats in an open forum -> "this guy is fuming mad lulz wtf who does he think he is lulz WE ARE ANONYMOUS WE ARE INVINCIBLE lulz what is wrong with this fag lulz"
>> Anon 22128 >># asks politely for people not to post the cheats in an open forum -> "this guy is fuming mad lulz wtf who does he think he is lulz WE ARE ANONYMOUS WE ARE INVINCIBLE lulz what is wrong with this fag lulz"
>> Anon 22129 >># What the fuck are you talking about? He didn't ask politely. He said he was disabling the cheats in his first reply. Everyone could have apologized to him and he still would have done it. This is about money, nothing else.
>> Anon 22130 >># I said we wouldn't make the cheats available in the web versions of our future games. Does this really bother you? I haven't threatened or even told anybody off. I really can't see "the draconian developer destroying their games/fanbase/reputation with evil DRM and general assholery" scenario some of you're dreaming up here. Is it about the money? Of course it is. After fees and bounces we ended up with less than $3K for July. Subtract the money we paid for art etc., then tax, and then split that between the four of us... no, we don't want your tears, just saying though, we're not swimming in cash. We want more people to pledge to get access to the cheats so we get more money so we can quit our shitty jobs and do this fulltime, yes.
>> Anon 22131 No cheats have been disabled for the current game (protip: you can even find the three new ones in the NG version if you decompile it again) and seriously, if you guys didn't act like assholes but made the absolute minimum amount of effort and just said "OK, fair point, please don't disable the cheats for the web version of the next game, we'll still hack it but we won't post the cheats willy nilly out in the open" we'd go "ok, cool, deal". but no, I guess that would make you seem like "fucking fags" and disturb the whole asshole image you're so carefully grooming.
>> Anon 22132 >># The artist is Japanese.
>> Anon 22137 >># Nobody cares, faggot
>> Anon 22139 >># Only 26 people have ever commented on this, out of 60 posts. When you say "you guys" you're probably talking about 2 or 3 hostile people who are posting repeatedly. To add to that /fap/ isn't really out in the open, comparatively speaking. Yes, anyone can see the cheats but out of the miniscule amount of people who actually visit /fap/ a fraction of them will check the comments. Over 92,000 people have played it on Newgrounds. That said I'm not going to argue about why you should leave the cheats enabled. I'm not going to call you an asshole or a faggot for fixing an oversight.
>> Anon 22159 Welcome to a flash host where the admin rarely responds to DMCA requests or even CP allerts. I honestly don't understand this whole patreon content-for-subscription model, it will never work the same way as any other paysite has never worked, the only way you can insure that people will pay you for your work is if you do commissions/requests from patreon. If you try anything else the full monty will end up on this or any other popular pirate hosting site for the glory of the world, and if you don't like it vote for CISA or the TPP to kill all online content forever.
>> Anon 22172 >># when I said "if you guys didn't act like assholes" I wasn't referring to everybody posting in this thread but to the specific guys acting like assholes. if that wasn't clear. >># who ever even mentioned anything about a DMCA? I'm happy the game is up here, and posting the cheat codes isn't a copyright violation.
>> Anon 22179 >># >Posting the cheat codes isn't a copyright violation It does actually violate 512 of the DMCA and several areas of the CFAA, but you're missing the point. You could put DRM in the game, you could just not bother to make it work, but there is nothing you can really do to stop people from breaking your game and violating your business model so get over it. Hell, if you don't include cheat codes anyone can just open up their javascript debugger and change the position or variables to break it anyway.
>> Anon 22191 >># I get that people can hack it anyway - like I've already said, I don't mind that at all, which is why we didn't bother hiding the codes in the first place. I just mind that the codes were posted out in the open. I get that if we're successful enough and make games people are interested in enough, piracy etc. is inevitable. I don't think we're there yet though. Obscurity is the best DRM.
>> Anon 22237 >># so... you want to get famous, but you don't want to get famous? look, if something exists, there is porn of it, and also there is a crack for it. it's like you don't even know how this internet thing works.
>> Anon 22245 I love it how people raging complaint about a good game being uploaded here for free with the creator not making a lot of cash, and on the other hand continuously stuff piles of money into the "creation" of that one breeding season game. Internet, pls. Also, why on earth is one of the devs lurking here on swfchan?
>> Anon 22263 >># >Not making a lot of cash >Patreon gets 3k a month
>> Anon 22271 >># I meant "cash" more like "Cash to spent on hookers and blow" and not taxes and operating expenses.
>> Anon 22300 >># it barely deserves the latter. I've seen far better made for shits and giggles.
>> Anon 22312 >act like a betafag >lol bad ending HA!
>> Anon 22313 >># lol degenerate faggot
>> Anon 22325 >># the ever so shitty breeding season and its 4 men team are making 35k a month the not so talented, nothing so special sakimichan is making 35k per 2 weeks
>> Anon 22326 >># he should join the total drama series animation team if he wants to be famous
>> Anon 22386 Is it just me, or is it quite enjoyable to see devs get sucked into "No, you" internet fights at break-neck speed?
>> Anon 22393 >lock cheats for a fucking vn behind a paywall >getting mad when sane people just decompile the flash You're autistic as fuck. Kill yourself.
>> Anon 22396 Hey guys, just so you know, /fap/ has an ID system. Look at the post
>> Anon 21766 The "A" after the post number is the ID. You can see what everyone's posts are by ctrl+f. The dev, Q, is a massive raging faggot. Who the fuck cares if people are going to "pirate" your shit? When you get all bitchy and passive aggressive it makes you look worse than those Breeding Season faggots. Oh, and flash is dying btw. Try making your game on an actual engine.
>> Anon 22414 >># haha holy shit i never knew that cheers for that one
>> Anon 22420 Not sure how devs are being unreasonable. Followed conversation, and nothing too crazy sticks out aside from the grape jelly spilling out from others about money-making (and how they're not making it I guess?). I mean if I made anything at all and I wanted to sell it, then why would someone get mad that others bought the product? Perhaps i'm wrong, because I can think of a few things I'd berate people for buying. However this game isn't making a ton of cash IN THE BIG PICTURE. Like who cares really. There are so many other things to be mad about. Like how tevangelists make their money, how humanity can just plain suck, and how women think they can just leave the kitchen whenever they want.
>> Anon 22421 Also I didn't know that SWF ID thing either. I'm only like 2 years fresh on here, so thanks for the tip amigo.
>> Anon 22464 >># that was a good John Oliver episode.
>> Anon 22563 >># >># Well, you people, what would you have guessed the green OP next to OP posts stands for? Geez, it's like folks these days only see insults and comment buttons and everything else blends out.
>> Anonymoose 22585 new cheats legolasbride = elf kittykitty = skinny tailed catgirl fluffykitty = fluffy tailed catgirl
>> Anon 22921 >># See, the issue is we don't want to pay for a newgrounds point and click adventure. I can get 2 games on steam for 10$ with quadruple the play time, yes you "worked hard," but there's barely any content here and expecting people not to share cheats is stupid at best. Understand that with greed like this, you wont be paid for "future games." TL;DR: Quit being a greedy fucking child, and get a donations thing going instead.
>> Anon 23028 This would have been a good game if the artwork wasn't the most generic "CG hentai" art I've ever seen. And it doesn't even look like you are the guys who drew it. Slight edits to the artwork look bad and tact on. I enjoyed the concept and options(although it felt rather obvious both male and female dialogue was written by a guy, saying Cuz all the fuckin time isn't cute man) Its not arousing. The artwork is so generic it hurts.
>> Anon 23089 >># Those cheats are useless without the "sooper speshul patron only version", but thanks anyway.


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